I was an architecture student in the early 1960s for a couple of years. It was a path not continued but it opened up new worlds for which I have always been grateful. One of the worlds was Islamic architecture. And Islamic patterns. Mind blown.
I've been wanting to study Islamic patterns for years and the best way to study them is to draw them. At first resources were few and tools not sufficient. Today there are amazing resources online showing patterns and showing how to construct patterns. These are patterns I've constructed.

TR No. 1 Alhambra

TR No. 2 Alhambra

TR No. 3 Alhambra

TR No. 4 Alcazaba of Malaga

TR No. 5 Maroccan Zellige

TR No. 6 Alhambra

TR No. 7 Alhambra

TR No. 8 Umayyad Mosque of Damascus

TR No. 9 Umayyad Mosque of Damascus

TR No. 10 Topkapi Scroll Design 52 Iteration 1

TR No. 11 Topkapi Scroll Design 52 Iteration 2

TR No. 12 Topkapi Scroll Design 52 Iteration 3